Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Whats your experience ?

whats your experience with the gangs and drug dealers ?

what approach do you think we should take

all the talk in the world is not going to stop the tugs of dundalk ruining everyones lives action of some sort needs to be taken but i think some sort of investigation should be carried before real action is taken to eliminate the possibility of people just posting random names. what do you think we should do?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

€500K worth of cocaine seized in Swords and Dundalk

Six kilos of cocaine, two drug pressing machines and other drug paraphernalia have been seized during search of a house in Swords.

The drugs, with an estimated street value of €500,000, were found during a search of a house in Boroimhe, Cherry in Swords.

Gardaí were responding to a routine call in the area when the discovery was made.

Investigations in relation to the seizure are on-going.

Elsewhere, a man was arrested and about €150,000 worth of cannabis was seized in Dundalk.

The 15kg of cannabis was seized as part of an ongoing investigation into drug smuggling. The operation targeted a Nigerian drug trafficking ring operating nationwide.

Revenue Customs Officers, as well as gardaí from the Dundalk Garda Drugs unit, were involved in the operation.

A 53-year-old man was arrested shortly before 10pm and is being detained at Dundalk Garda Station.

The man arrived earlier in Dublin Airport on a flight from Johannesburg, South Africa, via Amsterdam.

Gang of young thugs attack firefighters do you no who thay are?

Children as young as twelve took part in the attack which took place after Dundalk Fire and Rescue was called to a fire on waste ground near Brickfield Close on the Castletown Road at 10pm.

As the fire engine approached the area, a gang of youths on the railway bridge began throwing stones down on it.

The fire crew drove to safety down the road and called for garda assistance.

The youths continued to pelt the vehicle with stones but ran away before the Gardaí arrived.

The stones, which they had taken from the railway track, caused a number of dents in the fire appliance but fortunately no one was injured.

Once the youths had left the area, the fire fighters tackled to the fire which had been caused when domestic rubbish and an old sofa was set alight on waste ground.

Following the incident Sinn Féin Dundalk Town Councillor, Harry Todd, called for increased garda patrols and visibility in the Castletown area particularly in the vicinity of the Railway Bridge.

Cllr Todd said: ?the fire, I believe, was started deliberately so this attack appears to have been planned. This is unacceptable, it is dangerous and a waste of much needed resources. I would also like to warn

motorists and pedestrians to be vigilant, especially at night, in the vicinity of the bridge as there have been reports of missiles being thrown by youths from the bridge. The Gardaí have a duty to the public to stamp out this criminal behaviour. I call for an increase in the number of Gardaí employed full-time in community policing and adequate resources be made available for the enforcement and prosecution of public order offences.

He also called on that parents and guardians to ?dissuade young people from participating in this or any other form of anti-social behaviour?.

Dundalk is turning into Louths sincity

in the last few years Dundalk has gone from bad to worse every where you go you see gangs of youths terrifying old people and damaging other peoples propriety and most of them are on drugs of some sort i think that some form of vigilante group should be set up because the guards just turn a blind eye and even when the drug dealers names are sprayed on walls all over the town with there phone numbers the guards still do **** all it is time for the people of Dundalk to take back there beloved town from these gangs and drug dealers who are rotting the brains of our children in places like muirhevna mor , coxs and bayestate the drug dealers are giving out free bags of coke and heroin to kids as young as 8 just to get them hooked i no one young lad (14) who has to steel 150 euros worth of good to feed his habit i think a new name and shame blog should be set up and for all info to be investigated by our group and and if action needs to be taken then so be it.