Sunday, April 20, 2008

Dundalk is turning into Louths sincity

in the last few years Dundalk has gone from bad to worse every where you go you see gangs of youths terrifying old people and damaging other peoples propriety and most of them are on drugs of some sort i think that some form of vigilante group should be set up because the guards just turn a blind eye and even when the drug dealers names are sprayed on walls all over the town with there phone numbers the guards still do **** all it is time for the people of Dundalk to take back there beloved town from these gangs and drug dealers who are rotting the brains of our children in places like muirhevna mor , coxs and bayestate the drug dealers are giving out free bags of coke and heroin to kids as young as 8 just to get them hooked i no one young lad (14) who has to steel 150 euros worth of good to feed his habit i think a new name and shame blog should be set up and for all info to be investigated by our group and and if action needs to be taken then so be it.

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